Susan Webb Bonnell
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White Daffodils
Oil on Board. Price $275 includes frame and shipping.
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Pudgy Pot & Roses Oil on Board. Price $275 includes frame and shipping. Paypal
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Myrtle Marie. Oil on Linen. 9 x 12. Framed in solid wood gallery frame. $300 includes frame and shipping. Paypal
[email protected]
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Birthday Girl. Oil on Board. 6 x 8. Price $250 includes UNFRAMED painting and shipping. Framed $300.
Fireball. Oil on linen panel. 8 x 10. Price $175 includes black contemporary floating frame and shipping.
Rose in Light. Oil on linen panel. 8 x 10. Price $175 includes gold contemporary floating frame and shipping.
Rose in Shadow. Oil on linen panel. 8 x 10. Price $175 includes gold contemporary floating frame and shipping.
White Pitcher. Oil on canvas. 9 x 12. Price $250 includes custom made gold frame and shipping.
Gentle Apples. Oil on canvas panel. 5 x 7. Price $200 includes solid wood gallery frame and shipping.
Grannys Pitcher. Oil on canvas panel. 11 x 14. Price $250 includes gold frame and shpping.
French Watering Can. Oil on canvas panel. 9 x 12. Price $250 includes custom made gold frame and shipping.
Purple Rain. Oil on linen panel. 12 x 16. Price $200 includes UNFRAMED painting and shipping.
Roses in Gray. Oil on board. 8 x 10. Price $275 includes contemporary black floating frame and shipping.
Birthday girl. Oil on paper. 4 x 6. In a cherry wood frame that sits up on a table or can be hung on the wall. $150 Includes frame and shipping.