Waiting for Marigolds - Private Collection

Oil on Canvas, 9 x 12"
Framed 15 x 18"
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The last time I was at mother's house in Oklahoma, more than ten years ago, she had placed this little vase on my dresser in my old bedroom and filled it with her marigolds. She was so glad I was home to visit and so was I -- we had a wonderful time. That was the last time I got to spend time with her. She died six weeks later. So I've a special attachment to this little vase. I've wanted to paint it for a long time. And now it's done and I'm happy with it. It brings back good, fun memories, though it looks a bit lonely -- just as I intended.
Clementines Study - Sold

Oil on Canvas, 16 x 18"
Framed 26 x 28"
I inherited this wonderful sterling silver bowl from my Aunt Helen. It was a 25th Anniversary gift to Aunt Helen's sister-in-law, so it seems it's been passed around a little and I love it. It's very heavy, graceful and remarkable in its form, all at the same time. When I saw the clementines at the market, so absolutely radiant orange they were nearly red, I thought they would be beautiful in the bowl. I left my own reflection out of the painting, but it was clearly there in the bowl. The highlights are from the windows behind me in the studio. I think I'll paint this bowl again, and probably again. It is just magnificent.
Hooligans - Sold

Oil on Canvas, 8 x 16"
Framed 12 x 20"
Click for larger image
I once heard an artist tell this story: She said at the beginning of the day, her instructor placed seven apples on the table and told her to paint them. After she spent the day painting, her instructor came in, picked up the apples, put them in a paper bag, shook them up, then took the apples out and placed them back on the table. He then asked her to identify each apple on the table which corresponded to each apple in her painting. That was his way of showing and telling her how closely and carefully she had to observe her subjects. I've never forgotten that story. And that's what I was trying to do with these apples.
When I was finally finished and painted them stems on them, they looked like such a feisty little bunch, that the name "Hooigans" came to my mind immediately. I like the guys.